Today is My Grandma McClellan's 75th Birthday!! My Grandma is very special to me and my family. I have many great memories of her as a child. Throughout the Years we have built a great relationship with one another. She is a wonderful Grandma and Great Grandma to my children. She is a great example to me and my Kid's. Grandma is a Cancer Survivor. She was diagnosed with cancer about 1 1/2 years ago. It was such a scary time for our Family. Through it all she was such a trooper. My Grandpa would drive her from Ogden Utah to Salt Lake Monday through Friday for 3months to get her treatments, most of the time in bad snowy weather. Through it all they never complained. Whenever I would call to see how she was she would always respond " Terrific like Tony the Tiger" ! What a great example of Strength she was to me. I am so proud of her and her will to survive and beat the Illness. my Grandpa was also a great example to me of Love. His love for my Grandma is indescribable, there isn't anything he wouldn't do for her. I love that he takes care of her the way he does. I am proud to say that he is who My Owen got his name from. They are the definition of what "True Love is." Through many Prayers my Grandma is Cancer Free!!! Other fun stuff about my grandma is:
She is amazing with the sewing machine, I don't think there is anything she cant make, She is a perfectionist every line has to match up, every shade of color has to be perfect or it drives her crazy. All my porcelain dolls were made by her and my grandpa, she doesn't sell them she only makes them for her family. She is so dang talented. For some reason those genes were not passed down to me, I cant even sew a straight line. We call her our "Equal Opportunity Grandma" because everything has to be equal with her, there are no favorites (at least thats what the other grandkids think, but I know I am the favorite ) :) If she does something for one person she does it for everyone.
This is a picture of Owen, Ethan, Grandma "D" and Grandpa "Owen". We went to visit them last year.
This picture was taken at a family Reunion the Summer of 06'. There are lost of missing great grand kids in this picture (5 to be exact), but I think this is such a cute picture of them. My Grandma is an amazing person, I am blessed to have her in my life.

Grandma we love you and miss you so much. Hope that you are having a great Birthday. We wish we were there with you, but I am sure Mom is giving you great company.
I Love You
I Love You
Happy Birthday!!!!