Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

Today my Mom turned the big 21, so in true Melanie fashion I thought I would tell you 21 things that I love about my mom for her 21st birthday
21. Her house is ALWAYS clean, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen everything.
20. She is compassionate
19. She is the only person I can call at midnight and its OK
18. She makes her bed everyday, but if I get lucky enough to be there when it is unmade all I want to do is jump inside. There is something about my parents bed that I love ,it is so soft and squishy
17. She is my Best Friend
16. My day does not start or end until I have talked to my Mom
17. She can sew like nobodies business, she can make anything, she clearly didn't pass that trait onto me I cant sew a straight line.
16. She is a peacemaker, she hates contention and will avoid it at all cost.
15. She is OCD about laundry, I don't think I have ever seen dirty clothes in her house
14. If there was a shortage on Diet Coke the world would be in trouble, she would have a nervous break down
13. She has a strong Testimony
12. She loves the Scriptures and gets excited to read them every night
11. She is a great example of what I want to be when I grow up
10. She looks so young people often think she is my Sister
9. She is organized everything has a place
8. She hates clutter
7. She can't sleep at night unless she knows all of her kids, grand kids, son in laws, parents and in laws are home and safe. So she doesn't sleep much
6. There isn't ANYTHING she wouldn't do for her family
5. She is "Equal opportunity Grandma/Mom" she wont do something for one person and not another.
4. she supports her family no matter what
3. She is beautiful inside and out
2. She loves my Dad so much. She is a great example of what a wife should be like
The number one reason why I love my Mom so much is
1. Because she is the BEST mom anyone could ask for. I am lucky to have her in my life.
Happy Birthday Mom


Gpa and Gma Adams said...

Thanks for all those nice words. I guess that goes to show you that a Daughters love is as blind as a Mothers. I love you, Mom

Lynsey said...

I just want you to know that I started out doing the same thing and saying that she just turned 21, really need to stop calling me I think we are becoming to much a like!!

Cute post!!

bekki said...

Oh so sweet you are i'm sure you are her favorite daughter. Happy Birthday Mel's Mom and Owen and Ethan's grandma

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! I hope someday Eden grows up and can such nice things about her mommy. (yeah right!)You'll have to tell me what all your mom's secrets are. I have 21 one to go off of for now but I'll need more help than that. :)
You guys did great on your talks and I was just so proud of you when I saw you up there! I knew you could do it!

Aimee's Family Journal said...

It is funny to hear you describe your mom. You are your mom!

Debbie said...

Mel, what a sweet tribute to your mom. And now the eternal question that comes up in our family each year when I turn old are you????? haha
Laughed my head off at your "talk" post. Don't count on the fact that it will be another 6 years. You'll probably be called to be RS pres or something and have to do it all over again!!! :)