Friday, October 17, 2008

Lunch with Owen

Ethan and I didn't have much going on this morning so I decided to surprise Owen with Burger King for lunch. Ethan was so excited to see Owen and when Owen spotted Ethan running towards him his whole face was smiling he gave him a big huge and cleared a spot for him at the lunch table right next to him, they both enjoyed there lunch and Ethan thought he was one of the big kids, he would laugh when they did even if he had no idea what they were laughing about. It was so cute. When lunch was over I was afraid Ethan would freak out when I told him we were leaving and Owen wasn't, but he didn't he jumped down gave Owen a hug and headed for the door. It was so fun. I love seeing my boys enjoying each other and getting along. Owen loved showing off his brother to all of his friends and Ethan liked the attention he was getting from all the little girls, they kept saying "Oh he is so Cute" Owen was probably jealous his little brother was getting the ladies :) I volunteer every Fridays in Owen's class as well which I really enjoy doing it is so fun to see him interact with his friends and he loves having his Mom there or at least he pretends like he does either way I don't care I love to do it. Heres a picure of the boys at the lunch table


bekki said...

They look so sweet I love that the little girls were hitting on Ethan. Don't you love when they are so excited to see you.

Aimee's Family Journal said...

Isn't it such a big deal! I just wish the kids had more time to eat in the cafeteria. They have to book it, to finish before the rush them outside! FUN!

Julie said...

OK, I'm finally catching up on blogs. I love this story about your boys. I hope mine are as good of friends when Jack gets older. We'll be back in PHX for a little while in December - we HAVE to get together!